
Hygain Prodigy is a pelleted feed formulated for the breeder to meet the requirements of stallions, pregnant or lactating mares and growing horses.

Providing essential protein, energy and balanced levels of macro and micronutrients to ensure health, fertility and optimum growth.

  • Prebiotics to support a healthy gut and immune system.
  • Bio-Available Silicon for bone strength.
  • Chelated Minerals are highly available and support healthy bones.
  • Natural Vitamin E for antioxidant, circulatory and cardiovascular functions.
  • Bio-available Selenium to assist your horse’s muscle metabolism.
  • Amino Acids, the building blocks of protein for muscle development and to maximize growth.

Canola Meal, Lucerne Meal, Vegetable Protein Meals, MICRMAIZE, MICRLUPINS, Millrun, Legume Huls, Lysine, Methionine, Calcium Carbonate, Di-Calcium Phosphate, Salt, Magnesium Oxide, HYGAIN Vitamin and Chelated Mineral Premix, Natural Vitamin E, Bio-Available Silicon, Prebiotic (MOS)

Nutrition Analysis
Crude Protein 16%
Phosphorous 0.7%
Crude Fat 6.5%
 Lysine 15g
Max Crude Fibre 16%
Vitamin E 350IU
Added Salt 1.25%
Selenium 0.75mg
Calcium 1.3%
Feeding Rates

Feeding Rates Per Day

Recommended rate 
Weanlings 1.5kg – 2kg
Yearlings 2.5kg – 3.5kg
Pregnant 1st Trimester 1.5kg – 2.5kg
Pregnant 2nd Trimester 1.5kg – 2.5kg
Pregnant 3rd Trimester 2.5kg – 3.5kg
Lactating Mares 3kg – 5kg
Stallions in work 3kg – 4kg

Intended as a guide only, all variables should be taken into consideration.