
Rabbit & Guinea Pig Mix Available in a 25kg bag

Supplementary Feeds Birdseeds Manufactured Feeds Grains
Avi-Lori Grey Stripe Sunflower Rabbit Pellets Oats
Niger seed Safflower Rat & Mouse Cubes Sliced Corn
Tonic Mix Jap Millet Free Range Layer Pellets Black Sunflower
Canola Canaryseed Chick Starter Hard Wheat
Linseed Red Panicum Pullet Grower Feed Wheat
Panicum Supreme Crumble Sorghum
Panorama Fine Grit Dun Peas
White French Medium Grit Corn
Hulled Oats Pigeon Grit Mung Beans


Rabbit Pellets, Lucerne Chaff, Steam Rolled Oats, Corn, Black Sunflower and/or Steam Rolled Barley. Trace of molasses for palatability.
Suitable for Rabbits and Guinea Pigs